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Do I need a partner?

No, you do not need a partner! Zouk is a social dance, meaning that it is considered normal etiquette to switch dance partners on the dance floor. In classes, we rotate partners frequently as everyone learns better when they experience dancing with different people. 


What if I've never danced before?

That's fine! Plenty of zouk dancers started dancing with zouk. We strongly recommend signing up for one of our Level 1 series, regardless of whether you have experience with other types of dance or not. You are also welcome to check out our social, our dancers are pretty friendly.  


What is social dance etiquette?

Ask people to dance! Typically dance just one song and then move along. Don't get offended if someone says no to a dance. You may see someone dancing a particular way with a particular person: we all have unique relationships and dance relationships, so it's totally fine if they don't dance the same way with you. Please do not give unsolicited feedback on the dance floor unless your safety feels at risk or you are instructed to do so in a classroom setting. 


Hygiene tips?

It's a good idea to shower and put on deodorant before you go social dancing. Some people are sensitive to fragrances, so please avoid spraying down with perfume, cologne, or using other strongly scented products like aftershave and lotion right before our social. Breath mints and gum are useful tools in keeping your partners happy (we try to keep some by the door, but no guarantees). If you are someone inclined to sweat profusely, a spare shirt can come in handy. 


Does it matter which role I choose?

Generally in social dance, the lead is the person suggesting moves and the follow is the person choosing to execute those moves. You are welcome to choose either role, and we do our best to encourage our dancers to not make assumptions about role based on physical appearance. 


What should I wear?

Wear clothing that you feel comfortable moving in. We recommend avoiding batwing tops, short skirts, and tight jeans. Layers can be useful in our studio, which heats up as the dance floor fills. Please do not wear jewelry, particularly earrings or rings, for you and your partner's safety.  


What type of shoes should I wear?

There are varying opinions in the zouk community about what shoes to wear. Some people wear jazz, ballet, or salsa shoes, though we do not recommend heels for beginners. Some add suede or duct tape to the bottom of street shoes. Some people wear socks or foot undies. Come give the dance a try, and you'll figure out what works for you! 


May I bring food and drink into the space?

With a few exceptions, most of our events are in dance studios with high quality floors. Keeping food and drink out helps keep the space clean for everyone. We do encourage you to bring your own water bottle, though there are also drinking fountains. 


How can I learn Brazilian Zouk?

We regularly offer class series before our social on Wednesdays. We also host weekend events with visiting instructors several times per year, and sometimes these events have a beginner bootcamp. Our instructors also offer private lessons and practice sessions. Email us for details. 


When is your next class series/social/special event?

Our schedule is typically settled a few months in advance. The best places to check it are the links above ^^ and our facebook page


I have more questions.

Great! Please email us at

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